
Hello! I'm Bruno.

For many years I've written down a lot of ideas for articles, but never really had a place for them. I've decided to start writing them down here.

I want to write about learning, AI, software, and my personal projects. I'm also interested in writing about the business side of software development, and the challenges of running a startup.

I'm a software engineer with 15 years of experience. I've worked on a wide variety of projects, mostly as a consultant.

Most recently, I've worked with Just Move In. I worked with them through the launch of a new core platform and led data migration from the previous platform. I also led the development of a new management system for Just Move In partners. I also made sure the team was set up to be as efficient and reliable as possible by implementing continuous deployment, continuous integration, and automated testing practices.


I am now a co-founding CTO at Pandria. Pandria is a social AI startup. We're building a platform to help people have better conversations.

We believe that the next horizon is for AI to improve conversations between multiple humans. Our bots act as live facilitators in conversation. This not only boosts user engagement and product stickiness, it also improves product outcomes.

Pandria's AI builds an understanding of users' relationships and conversational style, and can facilitate chats live based on user-set scripts, goals and tone.

We are currently in stealth mode, but I will be writing about our progress here.

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I can help with late projects, database problems, software performance issues, coaching, rapid prototyping, systems architecture, database architecture.

Chat with me via e-mail or phone. I always respond. Share whatever you feel like, it won't hurt.