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Cover Image for TV Sort: Engineering the ultimate TV episode ranking system

I built TV Sort, an open-source TV episode ranking game that ditches the usual 1-10 ratings for a unique, human-driven sorting algorithm that pits episodes against each other. The game draws from TMDB, IMDb, and Wikipedia, with a bit of GPT thrown in for good measure.

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Cover Image for useJourney, a React hook for building user journeys

useJourney, a React hook for building user journeys

useJourney is a React hook designed to make the construction of user journeys simple and manageable. It delicately combines the features of state machines with the flexibility of a steps-based approach.

Cover Image for Diffusion Depot, the smart image manager for Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, and DALL-E

Diffusion Depot, the smart image manager for Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, and DALL-E

Discover the magic of Diffusion Depot, the smart image manager I built for Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, and DALL-E. As a solution to managing my thousands of ML-generated images, I developed an app that allows quick tagging, seamless filtering, and easy integration with Stable Diffusion.

Cover Image for My coworkers are GPT-4 bots, and we all hang out on Slack

My coworkers are GPT-4 bots, and we all hang out on Slack

Imagine spending your workdays alongside unique coworkers who bring excitement, entertainment, and answers to your questions at any moment. But there's a catch - they're GPT-4 bots. I've integrated these AI-driven bots into Slack, our primary communication tool, and they have blended seamlessly within our team. With the powerful capabilities of GPT-4, they not only contribute to our casual conversations but also assist in brainstorming, idea generation, and product development. Transforming our work environment, these quirky bots have become a crucial part of our team dynamics. Intrigued? Discover how we created these AI companions and why they just might be the future of inter-office communication.

Cover Image for Automated customer support with GPT-4, but it's actually good

Automated customer support with GPT-4, but it's actually good

How GPT-4 transformed my opinion on AI’s practical use and its unbelievable potential. What started as a journey to find a practical application for GPT-4 evolved into a highly efficient ticket support system that revolutionized the customer experience. Follow my trial and error process and see how GPT-4 integration brought forth timely, personalized responses, and transformed customer tickets into neatly organized GitHub issues that the development team could focus on.